slow + intentional

I can’t remember what day it was, I can’t even remember what context it was in, but during the week I was having a conversation with Bren when I replied to whatever it was he’d just said by saying that all I’ve ever wanted was to live a slow and intentional life.

It’s funny that even though I can’t remember what it was in reference to, I do remember that he agreed wholeheartedly and then continued to repeat it back to me for the rest of the week. And I repeated it to myself too; at times to acknowledge how happy I am to be living where and how I am living, and at times to make myself feel better. Like when the dark, thick storm clouds rolled in and the rain pelted against the roof for hours and and hours and hours. Like when the wet mist blanketed the sky and it felt like evening even though it was only lunchtime. When every single pair of work pants I own were wet and muddy and in the laundry pile. When I had to come in after a few hours of working on my hands and knees on the icy ground to have a shower to warm myself up. And when I put my hand in a lettuce in the garden only to find it rotten to the core and slimy.

All I’ve ever wanted was to live a slow and intentional life and I am.

We donned our raincoats and gumboots and walked a lot over the past week. We walked existing tracks and trails and pushed our way through as yet unexplored parts. We discovered the most magical array of fungi, and autumn leaves and old bones. We found the fallen tree we’d heard crashing to the ground a few nights earlier (on a fence line of course). We were unhurried and we meandered and we marvelled .

Thinking about it now and looking through these photos, I’m tempted to add two more words, to make it four, which is good because 4 is my lucky number.

Slow, intentional, creative, beautiful.

I’m going to try to use these words like a mantra this winter, repeating them to remind myself that I am where I’m meant to be, where I want to be, leading a life I find meaningful and honest. I want to use them to guide me when I’m feeling lost or disoriented. I don’t know if it’ll be enough to rid myself of the difficulties I’m sure to come up against in my least favourite season, but it’s a start.

An hour or two of sunshine each day to warm my face and clear my head wouldn’t hurt either.

Tell me a bit about how you are? What are a few words that describe the life you’re living? Or the life you dream of living?

I hope you have a beautiful weekend.

See you next Friday.

Love, Kate x



