i love summer

Hello honey bunches,

How has your week been? I feel like mine's had a bit of everything: a bit of culture, a bit of exercise, a bit of drama, a lot of flowers, some tears, some laughter, a lot of podcasts, a lot of discussions, an argument, a celebration, some preserving, a bit of this...a lot of that. 

It's midday now and all morning I've been wondering how to write a blog that captures this moment in time, that gets to the heart of it without the use of thousands of words, and then I remembered Pip's taking stock, perfect!

Let's get into it.

Making : socks. I never did get around to changing the name of this blog to Soxs Lane. At the moment the ones I'm knitting have blue toes, green feet and little speckley white hearts on them. Hopefully I'll get to the heels on the weekend. I also have a half knitted cardigan using wool I spun myself, but I've run out of the fleece and I'm not sure I can get anymore and now I don't know if I should continue or rip it out. I've made the whole body and only have the sleeves to go and I was planning to dye the whole thing once I'd finished anyway. Hmmmm I'm not sure about that one.

Cooking : stewed plums, zucchini fritters, steamed beans, and pesto. Hopefully the great tomato sauce cook up and bottle will begin this weekend.

Sipping : cold peppermint tea.

Reading: My Year Of Rest And Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh. I've read all sorts of things about this book but I'm only up to page 61 which feels a bit too early to decide for myself. I will be interested to see how this story develops though because so far it feels pretty stuck in one place.

Looking: out the window at the forest. Tomorrow will be the 10 year anniversary of the bushfire that came through our place in 2009. From where I'm sitting I can see the tall black trunks that are a constant reminder. On that day we evacuated into town to stay with friends. Our girls were tiny, my sister Meg came with us, as well as a little girl we were looking after who had lost everything in a horrific bushfire a few weeks before, and three of our big dogs. It's crazy to think that when Bren called me from our house to see what I wanted him to rescue I was so mentally unprepared that all I could think of was the market money and my Camper boots. It was before I had my own blog or instagram and could not comprehend it when Meg asked tour host if she could use his computer to update her blog and let her readers know she was safe. How things have changed. It was a terribly frightening time but unlike the horrific fires of Black Saturday a few weeks before, the damage our fire caused was minimal. We were incredibly lucky and returned home the next day to put out spot fires and count our blessings.

Wishing: for safe housing for all, for climate action to protect the future, for world peace, for racial equality, for equality and safety full stop, for enough rain and enough sunshine, for a bush-fire free week, for the health and safety of the bees, for access to education for all, for no-one to feel 'othered', for a world filled with loving kindness, compassion and empathy....and that's just to begin with...   

Enjoying: the abundance that comes in late summer. Baskets and bowls full of tomatoes, plums, cucumbers, zucchinis, eggs, apples, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, beans, peas, silverbeet, basil and all of the flowers.

Waiting: for things to quieten down a bit on the farm so I can spend some time in my studio. I haven't even set foot in there for weeks.

Liking: the fact that I'm not coughing anymore. Thank goodness.

Loving: our updates from Indi. My Mum told me the other day that she feels so happy thinking about Indi because she is the best parts of me and Bren. I love that. I often tell people that it's a good thing that there's such a big time difference between us otherwise I might be tempted to message her much too often. As it is when we wake up in the morning she's already asleep and she doesn't wake up herself until late in our afternoon. Hopefully one day soon she'll write a guest post for my blog to fill us all in. It's pretty incredible watching the way she captures her new world. How she interacts with the people and places. It's wonderful to see her great big smile and hear her stories and it's humbling to hear her outlook when things get tricky. Gosh I miss that kid, but I am seriously so happy for her to be having this experience and these adventures and this time.

Needing: to pick Pepper up from school in an hour.

Wearing: work overalls and work boots and a grey tee-shirt. 

Following: the bees from flower to flower trying to work out their path.

Noticing: how much dirt there is under my fingernails.

Coveting: I can't think of one single thing.

Sorting: through the seeds I want to plant this autumn and making sure I have what I need.

Getting: excited for my beginner's ceramics course that starts next week. Although I absolutely adore buying and using other ceramicists' work, I've never really enjoyed the making much myself. I think it has something to do with the coldness and grittiness of the clay. But when I saw the course advertised the other day something changed in me. I feel like it's time to try again. Watch this space for some bowls and cups and planters coming soon (I hope).

Buying: a small sized guitar for Pepper now that she's started learning.

Watching: the autumn flowers as they start to bloom.

Hoping: that all of the winter seeds I planted this week will have enough time to get established before the weather turns and winter kicks in.

Listening: to Robin DiAngelo talk about White Fragility on The Wheelers Centre podcast. I've listened to this podcast twice and I'm about to start again now that Bren has heard it and wants to discuss it with me. This is such an important issue and I feel like everyone should listen.

Saving: seeds. So many seeds. 

Bookmarking: Brunswick Music Festival events and gigs to go to. Have I told you that my sister Emily Ulman is the programmer? STAR!!! It's going to be such an incredible event. So many wonderful shows, so much diversity and more than 75% of all the artists feature at least one non-male member. #proudestsisteralert!! 

Opening: the dehydrator to check if the plum fruit leather is ready.

Giggling: at everything the kitten does. He's such a wild little guy.

Feeling: thrilled that despite the cabbage moth infestation my cauliflowers and broccoli are looking glorious. 

Obsessing: over the dahlias. Each and every one brings me so much joy it's ridiculous. Our house looks like a colourful festival. Every vase is in use, every surface is covered, every colour, every shape, every stem length. We've been talking about having a party at the end of this year but this week decided to hold off until next Feb/March. Of course we're going to have to wait for the flowers.

Wow, that felt quicker than usual. I wonder if I missed a few. In any case I feel like I've taken stock and captured this moment right now.

Please feel free to fill in a few of the prompts yourself in the comments.
Your interactions with my blog are one of my favourite parts of blogging.

So what are you saving, obsessing over, buying, hoping, wearing, needing, waiting for, enjoying, making? I'd love to know.

I hope you have a beautiful weekend friends. Ours will be spent in the garden and in the kitchen no doubt.

Lots of love,

Kate x


sunshine in my soul


with arms full of flowers