photos of tomatoes






I took these few photos yesterday or the day before. Originally I had them loaded into yesterday's post, but at the last minute I took them out and decided to give them a blog of their own. I'm not sure why but it felt right somehow.

These photos tell me so many stories and make me feel so many things.

These photos make me sigh with relief that we will in fact have a tomato season this year. I should know by now that ours are the last in all of instagram and in all of the southern hemisphere but eventually they do ripen and redden.

These photos make me feel icky at the thought of that black tar that coats my arms and fingers each time I reach under a vine to pluck out a fruit and how hard it is to get rid of that stain and smell.

These photos make my mouth water in anticipation of toast and thinly sliced tomato, at chunks in salads, at passata, at semi drieds and at cherry tomatoes gobbled up on the spot.

These photos remind me that I'll have to pick fast and often and slightly under-ripe to beat the pesky mice.

These photos make me appreciate and adore the red in the garden for all too soon we'll be back to the green of spinach and kale and winter.

These photos make me feel a bit melancholy at that dress's last summer in our family. Even though it's already verging on too tight I'm finding it hard to let this piece of sister history go.

These photos make me feel bad because this tomato season I didn't plant nearly as many vines as other years, but then I try to quickly remind myself that what we lack in tomatoes this year we more than make up for in other areas of the garden.

These photos make me thank goodness for my little plaited tomato spotter and hope with everything that I have that she'll love hanging out with us in the garden for years to come.

These photos make me glad that we didn't buy one single out of season tomato last year because it makes these ones feel like prizes.

And these photos will make a lovely record a year from now when I'm madly scrambling through my archives trying to work out when we usually harvest tomatoes around here. March. Autumn. Phew.

So now I'm sending these photos out to you, wherever you are, whatever you are harvesting or eating, I hope they make you feel happy.

Love Kate xx


harvesting the hazels


digging spuds