YOU GUYS!!!!! I just read through all of your ridiculously kind and thoughtful and generous comments and emails and I feel humbled and blessed beyond words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank you once more.
Sometimes blogging feels like the strangest thing, writing a journal is one thing, but seriously, why post it out there in public for the world to see? You guys are the answer. Our community. And I just feel so very grateful to have you and this outlet in my life.
Kisses and cake for all!!
In the meantime, we took a spontaneous trip to the beach. On Tuesday night I was looking at the weather forecast and feeling claustrophobic about the oncoming summer holiday days that would have to be spent inside out of the cold and wet, when I decided we had to get away. Just like that.
We never get to leave our farm over the summer because of the bushfire threats and the irrigation issues, but after all the rains we'd had, we certainly could. So we did!
The very next morning we packed up and drove to the beach. It was exactly what we all needed. Exactly! We spent a few days with family, we played board games, we went to the movies, we looked in the shops, we read our books, and we played at the beach.
The beach!! We got sandy, almost blown away, wet and salty. We felt alive and exhilarated.
And wouldn't you know it, just when we drove onto the ferry to come home, the sun came out. It was time.
When was the last time you took a little break from your life?
Sending you a bit of that fresh summer holiday feeling, my friends.
Big love