Snippets the third


OK, I'm doing a snippets post again. I feel like all I ever blog these days is craft and my attempt at a how I'm really feeling blog that I tried to write this morning isn't sitting comfortably and needs time to settle. So I'm leaving it in my drafts for a bit and falling back on a trusty tried and true method of blog catching up.

I always hope that by skimming the surface, it might clear the way for bigger and better and braver posts to come. Sometimes it works, and other times, well, like I said there have been several crafty posts around here but not much more.

So let's get started shall we, several snippets of my life right now.

I am...

Enjoying my girls and my farmer boy. So much at the moment. They all seem happy and inspired and lovely to be around. So often we seem to be dealing with challenges and fixing things up, it's just lovely to sit back and enjoy this moment in time when it all feels just right.

Playing Suzanne Vega on Spotify whenever I am alone, all the time.

IMG_0791 IMG_0792 Smelling the sweetest signs that springtime is on her way.

Listening to the latest episode of Strangers and feeling heartbroken and inspired and sad and hopeful all at once.

Wearing coveralls (long sleeved, button upped overalls). They are the best winter invention ever. Sometimes I even wear my jammies underneath all day long and none ever knows. Best!!

IMG_0784 Reading The Signature of all things and loving it. Thanks so much for the recommendation Ms Mogantosh.

Crocheting - my hottie cover, step four is coming tomorrow, are you excited?!

IMG_0773 Knitting - another pair of slippers for my farmer boy who wore his first pair out.

Blogging - not so much these wintry days.

IMG_0801 Flicking  to my spread in ABC Organic Gardener magazine and thinking it's funny that I am in a magazine about organic gardening not with our organic farming but with my crafting.

Enjoying the chit-chat on my Foxslane Facebook page and wishing it were as easy to comment and reply over here on the blog as it is over there.

IMG_0785 Not loving these cold, wet, dark and windy last weeks of winter. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Knowing - that I need to menu plan but not knowing where to start.

Wondering - if I'll get a chance to get this post up before school pick up today, 45 minutes and counting....

IMG_0787 Dreaming - of getting out into the veggie garden again later in the week when it warms up a tad.

Hoping to host a fabulous crafty event later in the year with the acest Veggie Mama herself.

Giggling inside when finding out in the middle of a pap smear last week that my doctor reads my blog. Hi!

IMG_0759 Knitting socks!! From the toe up on 2mm needles that may as well be tooth-picks they are so tiny. Sock knitting might just be the very definition of slow craft but I am well and truly addicted and have plans for lace pairs and fancy yarned pairs and birthday present pairs and kiddie pairs. I loveLOVElove knitting something so basic and so essential, so pretty and so comfy.

Ravelry details here.

Laughing at one of my girls who declared that sex education at school is silly because they don't even show you how to have sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IMG_0780 Casting on - another pair of socks. This time for Miss Indi in the cutest yarn that almost looks like sprinkles on fairy bread.

Grateful that my parents are back across the road after their three wonderful weeks away. Life and maths homework and circus and dancing pick ups and drop offs just weren't the same without them.

IMG_0795 Adoring teaching wool craft to a mixed aged bunch of kiddies at the girls' school each Tuesday. We've been having the greatest time making pom-poms, god's eyes, finger knitting and weaving. And I've remembered how much I love to teach. It's been a long while but that feeling you get when you watch something click with somebody is priceless.

IMG_0746 Smiling at the memories of last weekend; of packing up, of visiting a biodynamic farm and buying seed, of getting lost and not sleeping and spending hours and hours together in the car. Such crazy fun times. Let's do it again SOON!

And that's me all caught up with no place to go (except to the kitchen to wash some potatoes).

I hope you are well and happy and warm.

I wonder what you've been enjoying, playing, smelling, listening, wearing, reading crocheting, flicking to, enjoying, not loving, knowing, wondering, dreaming, hoping, giggling, knitting, laughing at, casting on, grateful for, adoring, smiling at...?

Big love



How to crochet a #grannyhottie - the grand finale


#grannyhottie step three