these two

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You'll have to excuse this post that is heavy on photos and light on words, but we are half way through the winter school holidays and all sense has flown out of the windows and all that is left behind is silliness and chatter. And song and stories and descriptions and instructions. So many words and yet none left to use here.

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There was this day last week where Jazzy stayed inside and stripped her room for painting, my farmer boy and I walked up and down the hill doing the farm chores, and these two played together in the forest for hours. Climbing and laughing and sliding and telling funny stories.

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There certainly are times when I wonder about living on a farm, when I worry about country kids and I hope that we are giving them enough. But at times like these I feel confident that this farm fresh world is the best world for us. It is more than enough.

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I don't know if they know it yet.
But I do.

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I love the way these two play and love each other fiercely.

I'm so glad I had my camera to capture them and their muddy knees.

Happy days friends. Happy days!

May the chatter that fills your head be kind and funny.




knits and knots and natters


On a wintry Tuesday