The pretty city dress
The washing is still in the machine, the breakfast dishes are still in the sink, the olives are still on the trees, my inbox still has a red number on it and I haven't even thought about dinner.
But I fixed yesterday's disaster dress and I am happy.
I cut off the denim panel and sewed another dress around it. It's still not perfect but it's getting there. I think it'll look cute with some stripey tights and a cardi.
And I have that buzzy feeling that's making me want to keep going. Keep making. Keep sewing.
I wish Miss Pepper were here to try it on and see. I think she'll love it. Especially because I listened to her strict instructions and made sure all roofs are pointy, (even the sky scraper one), that there is green grass and a cloud in the sky. She wanted all the houses to have chimneys too, otherwise how will the people inside keep warm, but it was getting a bit crowded.
If only I had time now to sew the garden dress that's growing in my, I'd better fold the fabric, tidy up and fry some onions I think.
Big love to you guys.
I hope your creative garden grows.