Summer words.

The strangest thing has happened. I feel like I've run out of blog words.

Perhaps I've used them all up in chapters and lists and patterns for my book. Perhaps the stuff I usually write about here seems petty compared to the fear and devastation and sadness being experienced by so many affected by the terrible bush fires in our country's south. Or maybe I can blame it on the heat and the wind and the summer school holidays.

I'd like to write words about the rhythm of our hot, summer days. Words about opening my eyes wider and letting my five year old be the tour guide in my quest to rediscover the magic in my day to day. Words about really getting in amongst it and playing with my girls, not as a means to occupy them and pass the time, but as a way to discover joy. But I can't. I feel a bit too self conscious and the words feel wishy-washy and hippie even.

So today there is no story. No description. No list.

Just thoughts for all those affected. May they find security and peace and safety and home and happiness once more.


First draft


Sweet and juicy