handmade dresses. x
They're sitting around, many years into the future and they're laughing at me. With love of course. Well I hope so anyway.
'Do you remember those hand made dresses Mum used to make us out of her little scraps of fabric', they'll ask one another. 'Remember how sometimes she got so into her sewing that she forgot to make us dinner til late? Or how her clothes were always covered in over locker threads? Remember when we used to come into the sewing room to ask her a question and she'd warn us not to get burnt on the iron or step on her pins? And how she claimed to be allergic to t'shirts with words on them? Remember how there were always dresses in various stages of completion hanging from coat hangers on hooks all around the house? And how she was always kntting at school assemblies? Do you remember how she used to snip at the long threads hanging from our hems in public? Or how she never threw any clothes out but chopped them up and made them into new clothes instead? Do you remember the look on her face when we chose to wear her dresses above all the others in our cupboards? Do you remember the photo shoots for her blog!'
I wonder if they'll dress their own little girls in their old mama made dresses I've put away for them, or if they'll only want new.
I wonder if they'll make and sew things themselves.
I wonder what crazy tricks a sewing machine will be able to do by then.
I wonder what they'll do and where they'll be and who they'll be.
I wonder how long this little chicklet will be happy to wear these mixy-matchy-patchy dresses I create.
I certainly love making them for her.
Do you think your kids will giggle about your ways one day?
What do you think they'll say?
I hope you have the most gorgeous weekend.
Have you got anything exciting planned?
I'm hoping to be very productive and get a big chunk crossed off my list.
Fingers crossed.
Ciao. x