Bring on October.

Welcome October! Cock-a-doodle-doo!!!!!!!

Oh how thrilled I am to see you. And to be honest, oh how thrilled I am to see the back of September too.

September was sometimes wonderful but sometimes incredibly difficult also. I learnt some hard lessons and shed a few too many tears. September on a whole didn't really turn out how I'd hoped it would.

But October is onwards and upwards for me. October is the start of birthday season in our family. October is the start of some real, true spring weather and in October I will be wiser as I have learnt lots from September.

Most of what September taught me I knew but needed reminding and some I learnt from scratch;

That it is not what happens to me that is important, it is how I deal with it.
That sometimes direct confrontation is hard for me but mostly has great results.
That some people will not change no matter how much I hope they will.
That no matter how quiet a life I think I am living, sometimes shit happens.
That falling off the menu planning wagon is stupid and hard.
That parenting an adolescent is about picking my battles.
That my best therapy is farm work.
That I really do know who my true friends are.
That although I think it will always hurt, I am done with babies.
That bad situations often bring people closer together and that's super nice.
That with my crew beside me, I will be ok.

So I welcome you October with open arms. You are going to be mostly ace, I hope.

Big love to you guys too.
Did September teach you any important life lessons?
Have you got exciting October plans?

I hope your October is awesome!!

I lost a game of yardage chicken with my poncho last night eight rows before the end. I'm off to try to convince my girls to take a little road trip to Bendigo Woollen Mills this morning to replenish. Wish me luck.

Let the October adventures begin. x


My friend Kootoyoo. x


One fish, two fish...150 fish!