Some day...

Some day in the future my parents will live on the block of land opposite ours where we picked these flowers.

Some day we will will ride our bikes down our driveway for cups of tea with them.

Some day they will live in a gorgeous passive and active solar house, with their own Esse stove for cooking.

Some day they will keep some goats and sheep in their paddocks and their Maremma Petey-boy will bark to protect them from the foxs.

Some day my girls will sleep over at their house and me and my farmer boy will have date nights.

Some day we'll drive past and wave at them and they'll wave back.

Some day I'll call them and ask them if they need anything from town.

Some day my girls will run away to their house when they are angry with me.

Some day I will call my Mum when I am too tired to cook. We'll collect a basket of vegies and flowers along the way to their house. We'll sit in their kitchen while they make dinner and we'll tell stories and make plans.

Some day they'll be just down the hill.

Some day they will be here with us for all the birthdays and special occasions.

Some day my Mum will make me a rainbow layer cake and do all the dishes herself.

Some day my Dad will correct the apostrophes in my blog in person rather than by email.

Some day my Mum will pick these flowers for her own kitchen.

Some day, someone from somewhere will buy my parents' house and property so they can move over the strait and accross the road from us.

We can hardly wait!!

Have you got something you are looking forward to some day?
Are you planning and imagining?
I hope it happens sometime soon.
For you and for us. xx

The other Kate. x


My dream.