Foxs Lane

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Signs of springtime.

We walked through the daffodils, my smallest and I. We held a basket and a pair of scissors each. We were on a daffodil mission. We had seen some blossoming on the way into school and we wanted some for ourselves.

We were all rugged up but the winter's day was mild, sunny even.

We skipped along. We found lots of daffodils with swollen yellow heads yet to burst and we squealed with delight when we found a few flowers amongst them. Big, golden, star shaped heads with their long, thin, green stems swaying and dancing in the breeze.

She danced from flower to flower reaching down to the bottom of the stem to make her cut so it would sit well in a vase.

She got impatient with me for taking so many photos instead of helping her. But I couldn't help it. The moment was magical and I wanted to capture it and hold onto it forever. The light was just right, the shadows so pretty, the colours so bright and we were happy. Nearly springtime happy. Coming to life after a long, cold winter happy.

We picked daffodils and then we walked along the road to see what other signs of spring we would see. There are new leaves on the apple trees in the orchard, pink blossom buds on the almond tree, the swollen daffodil heads along the driveway, rhubarb in the paddocks and Daphne and Camellia flowers on the bushes. We spoke about how the days are getting longer now too and how the chooks are starting to lay more and how there is daylight when we get up in the morning.

As we walked she used a daffodil as a wand to turn me into a stone. I wanted to be a princess or a bird but she would not budge. I was a stone.

And then we came inside to feed the fire to heat the soup for lunch. The day was already getting colder and greyer.

But we have a gorgeous vase full of daffodils on the dresser now to remind us of a glorious morning and that spring is not too far away.

Are the seasons changing where you are?
Are the days slowly getting longer or shorter?
Are you dreaming of the new seasons' fruit or vegetables?
Are you dying to get out of your gumboots and into your sandals (or vica-versa)?
Are you feeling impatient for what's next like I am?

It's ballet time - gotta fly.

Bye bye blossoms. xx