The worst thing happened to me this morning. I'm talking nightmare material here. In fact I think what happened is the grown up version of that kiddie bad dream about going to school nudie.
My hairdresser sent me home because I have lice!!!!!
Can you believe??
And here I was thinking I was on top of those nasty little critters. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
And not only is this terrible for the obvious embarrassing, dirty Berty reasons, but I also am desperate for a haircut. Six months of beachy, road trippy behaviour has not been kind to these tresses. And now I have to wait until next Wednesday for an appointment.
After I was politely informed of the disgusting parasites I positively fled to my car, soggy, just washed hair and all. I sat there for a while and contemplated my day. It was surely only heading downhill from there.
But then I remembered my year of happiness and decided not to give in. I tried some retail therapy in a few oppys - fail. I tried shopping for a new sundress - fail. I came home and tried to act happy at family lunch time - getting warmer. And then I decided that the only thing that would save this day would be to sew. More specifically, to finish my quilt.
So I did.
I ignored the load in the washing machine, I ignored the lunch dishes, I ignored half of the cries of muuuuuuummmmmm!!!!! I ignored my half decluttered wardrobe and all of the other jobs on my mental list. And I sewed. In fact I quilted.
I quilted lines. I made some binding. I bound the quilt (please don't look too closely at the corners). And then we took down the pot-holders and popped it on the wall.
And now I feel OK. My hair is a mess but I'm OK.
Time will tell if I'll be brave enough to keep my hair appointment on Wednesday though. I think I might need a change of hair dressers.
Is your hair itchy after reading this? Mine is. I hope my farmer boy likes the idea of lice combing my hair tonight. Pretty romantic huh!
So has anything embarrasing happened to you lately? Anything? Please help me feel better.