Miss Pepper is Four.

Our Beautiful Pepper Berry birthday girl.

Very, very early this morning there was a discussion from the bunk bed end of the caravan. Someone told you that today was your birthday and you said it couldn't be because your birthday was going to be in Monkey Mia. As soon as you realised that it was Monkey Mia and so it must be your birthday you were up and excited. Birthday day was on!

You sat at your birthday table and surveyed the scene. You opened your prezzies and ate a few lollies and wore your birthday tiara proudly.

Then we got dressed and looked out of the caravan door to the beach and saw a dolphin right in front of our van doing a special private show. We squealed with delight and were certain she was there to wish you a very special happy birthday. (Mum embarrassed you by coming to see what the fuss was about dressed only in a bed sheet, but let's not go there.)

Then we walked down the beach to watch the dolphin feeding.

By the time we got back to the caravan and cooked up your birthday love heart pancakes we were all super hungry, but you refused to eat until we invited all your friends to eat too.

You spent the day swimming at the beach and the pool, doing make-overs with the big girls, pretending to chat on the mobile Phone Jazzy made for you, watching the movie Dad made of your life and running from van to van to beach and back.

You and your friends were super excited about your party and asked about it all day long. When finally it was time to get ready for the party, you and Ivy helped with the cake and everybody carried the food and drinks outside.

And what a great party!

I love that you did a bit of break dancing while everyone was posing for this photo. I also love that you took lots of breaks to have 'time out' in the caravan over the course of the afternoon.

Because of the sea breeze, birthday candle time needed a bit of shelter in the form of a couple of beach towels. It looks like you had a bit of help from Ivy and Georgie with the blowing out too.

Your Dad finally got to perform 'happy birthday' on the ukelele.

And you cut the cake and knife came out dirty and you kissed the nearest boy.

What a day!

I hope that your year of being four is as happy as today has been.

We love you hunormously.

Miss Pepper's third birthday here.
Miss Pepper's second birthday here and party here.
And yes, she has worn the same tutu for all three birthdays, but sadly I think it might retire after this trip.

Happy days. xx

On time and ageing


The big one...