For Indi...just because...
Because the sheet I need for the quilt backing is still in the washing machine.
Because I have a gazillion things to sew for the caravan and this is not one of them.
Because Miss Pepper is playing quietly alone in the other room.
Because I am the queen of procrastination.
Because the scraps in my bin looked way too cute to chuck out.
Because I haven't made you a pillow case or
doona cover yet and you haven't complained.
Because I hate the vampire
t'shirt you currently uses as a
hottie cover.
Because I made one recently for
The Hottie Challenge and still had the pattern.
Because it often feels like I have no idea when it comes to the parenting of a 10 year old girl.
Because you let me hold your hand all the way to school today.
Because life sometimes looks complicated for a ten year old girl.
Because I adore you and think you are so ace!
I hope you like it. x
And my super duper brooch package arrived.
Aren't I a lucky duck!
Flaming Nora!
See ya later hot
potata! x