I choose.

So here we are on the third day of the new year and I have yet to commit to any resolutions. I know I don't have to, but I like the contemplation of the past and the optimistic look towards the future that a new year brings with it.

I've had the usual: be more patient, live in the moment, make more, buy less, drink more water, exercise, call people back....rattling around in my head but I make them every year. This year I like the idea of a word or two that will underpin everything.

After much contemplation I have decided on my words: I choose.

I am great at being chosen, great at letting other people choose for me, great at wandering along for a while before I realise I have no idea what the choices were that helped me arrive at where I am and I am great at avoiding conflict. But I am not great at putting what I want first and choosing and sticking up for my own choice.

This year I will choose.

I know I have many years left of putting my family first but that's not really what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about learning to say 'no', about getting in touch with who I am and making choices accordingly and about making choices socially.

Over the past few days I have started putting my I choose into action and gosh it feels good. I have been doing some great things and hanging out with people who I really enjoy. There will be difficult times and choices ahead I know that, but bring on the I choose, I'm so ready for it.

Do you choose?


