@ my house.
At my house today I am weighing yarn,
I am going through my clothes and making an op shop mountain,
and I am hearing my
Dad's voice in mine when I ask my girls what 'this so called music they are listening to is.'
At my house today, I slammed a block of wood on my finger and saw stars.
I am feeling cold in my bones but planning for warmth,
I am holding my little one as she is sick in the laundry basket,
and I am looking at gorgeous photos of vintage sheet quilts.
After a year of having an iphone at my house, today I have become obsessed with the ipod in it. I am listening to it on random but am most excited when a
Joshua Radin song comes on.
Do you have any crafty podcasts you can recommend for me and my ipod at my house?
I hope your week at your house has gotten off to a great start.
See ya at
Lou's house. XX