@ my house.
At my house today there is a hive of activity, but this pile of gorgeous yarns I bought yesterday is sitting on the kitchen table taunting me. Come and play with us, they are teasing, we'd look great knitted up as a cardi, imagine how gorgeous it would feel to knit with us, stop what you're doing and come and play...
At my house today there are some guys with a heavy duty vacuum cleaner sucking the 20 year old insulation out of our roof. Once that's done the electrician will come and check the wiring and then the exterminator will come and lay mouse bait and then these guys will come back and put in the new insulation.
At my house today it has rained, sleeted, snowed and the wind has howled her arctic, icy breath through the forest and under my skin. Brrrr.
At my house today there are the usual laundry, shopping, cooking, organising chores being done but today I have resigned myself that it is a losing battle and I am only doing what has to be done. The rest can and will wait until tomorrow when there might be less going on at my house.
At my house today there are some guys with a heavy duty vacuum cleaner sucking the 20 year old insulation out of our roof. Once that's done the electrician will come and check the wiring and then the exterminator will come and lay mouse bait and then these guys will come back and put in the new insulation.
At my house today my farmer boy is trying to make some sense of the new egg producers standards coming in this October. So far it looks like we are going to have to stamp every egg we sell as well as who knows what egg cleaning regimen. He has been reading stuff online and talking on the phone all morning. Today my farmer boy has clean hands.
At my house today it has rained, sleeted, snowed and the wind has howled her arctic, icy breath through the forest and under my skin. Brrrr.
At my house today there are the usual laundry, shopping, cooking, organising chores being done but today I have resigned myself that it is a losing battle and I am only doing what has to be done. The rest can and will wait until tomorrow when there might be less going on at my house.
At my house today I am soooooooo looking forward to craft night tonight when I can slow down and knit a few more rows of this scarf that is to be gifted, a bit late, to a gorgeous friend of mine. I think it might be the first and last scarf I knit though as the same, same, sameness of the pattern is getting a bit tedious.
What going on at your house today?
I'm off to check it out at Buttons By Lou Lou.