Time away.

We've spent the last few days at the beach.

The five of us.

Not a proper holiday, just a couple of days to mark the end of the busy season and the start of the quieter season on the farm.

We've eaten yummy food, drunk lots of coffee, scootered, knitted, op shopped, read, played schools, celebrated Mothers' Day, watched a few episodes of this and played at the beach.

We haven't collected eggs, done the farm chores, carried wood and kept a fire going, or done any deliveries. Its been lovely.

We have lots of decisions to make before the new season starts, but for now its been great just to take some time out and relax and enjoy one another.

We're going home in the morning. I think I'll leave a little sand in my boots just to remind me.

Busy's skipping dress.


On knitting.