Eight things.

This morning I have baked chocolate chip cookies, gotten the girls dresses and ready for school, done and hung out two loads of washing, played Hama beads and drawing hands, been to the post office and to the organic shop, taken ten minutes to walk from the car to each of the shops because Pepper was wearing high heel plastic shoes that kept on falling off, stopped along the way to talk to everyone who wanted to tell her how glamorous she looked, made her lunch and put her to bed.

As a reward to myself I thought I'd sit down and tell you eight things about myself because Wendy tagged me to. I haven't actually ever played any of these games before, but Wendy asked me to and so I kinda want to do it. Its also meant to be seven but I prefer even numbers and multiples of four.

But...now I'm sitting here I have no idea what to tell you.

What do you want to know?

Why don't you ask me a question and I'll answer.
Please don't make them too hard, my brain might not cope.
But I guess it could be anything really; My middle name? The brand of sewing machine I use?What type of tea I drink? My favourite size crochet hook? What do you think? What do you want to know?

(The eight of my favourite things in the pic above are; my favourite thrifted ribbon, my pin tin, a necklace Jazzy made me, clever Jess's Cumkwat, Indi's mushroom knitting Nancy, the crochet rose thingy that keeps my cardi closed, a Daylesford Organics onion and some Scarlet runner beans about to be threaded.)

My creative space.


Half of The Sunshine Dress.