My creative space.

The bones of this dress are filling my mind and my creative space today.

I have been experimenting a bit lately with mixing crochet and dressmaking, but usually I have a fair idea of where the crochet will sit before I start the project.

While I was crocheting this pink doily, I thought it would be bound into the neckline like this dress but considering how big it is and how little is needed for the collar, now I'm not so sure.

Maybe a pocket or cut in half as the sleeves or maybe just sewn onto the front as a detail.

I have hung all the pieces up on the fence so I can watch them while I push Pepper on the swing and drink her sandy cups of tea.

Speak to me dress. How are you meant to be?

To visit or play along with my creative space pop on over to Kirsty's.

Monday mayhem.


Crochet & me.