old blog day

Hello sweet peas!

I hope you’ve had a lovely week.

Gosh, how on earth can it possibly be Friday again?

I just realised that I’m wearing the same stripey tee-shirt today that I was in last week’s post. I guess that’s how long my laundry cycle must be; from being worn, to sitting in a pile behind the bedroom door, to being washed, hung out to dry, folded, put away, and then worn again.

I’ve been sitting here for close to an hour adding photos and then deleting them, writing words and then deleting them, playing around with the design, looking through my archives, and getting distracted constantly. Sometimes blogging comes so easily it feels like it pours out of me with no effort at all. Most of the time I have to make the space, block out the world and urge the post to come forth. But then there are days like today when no matter what I do, it just feels sticky and difficult. After all this time I still can’t work out what this post is going to be about and how to get it there.

So I think it’s time for me to call it rather than force it. It’s a no new blog day.

But if you feel like a click around, you might like to visit some of my old posts. I chose the last post in each September from 2009 until 2018. I stopped blogging for a while in June 2019 so I didn’t include one for that year, and I didn’t start again until November 2021.

Here they are, just click on each one and it’ll take you straight there. Oh and please ignore the comments. At some stage when my blog was on a break, some spammers got in and filled up some of the comments sections and I still haven’t had time to clean them all up.

2018 - spring equinox

2017 - under the Blackwood tree

2016 - the Friday foxslane

2015 - #home

2014 - socks from scratch

2013 - knitting Olinda

2012 - one fish, two fish…150 fish!

2011 - Mr 225

2010 - Love Pepper

2009 - How Indi made a softie

I’ll leave you with a big bunch of daffodils and wishes for a wonderful weekend.

We’re going to a friend’s painting exhibition tomorrow and then if the weather is as sunny as it’s meant to be on Sunday we might do some planting in the garden.

What have you got planned?

Hopefully I’ll see you next week, if my blog brain behaves.

Big love, Kate x


Foxs lake!


tomato seeds